[Editorial] The Sound of Rolling Tides

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“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”, Jon Kabat-Zinn

Our politics is taking a more “folkloric” stance and becoming disgustingly “zigzagging”. The population is taken aback and quite a number of politicians are set on edge by the way the affairs of the country are being run by those in power.

The “peuple admirable” had made their choice for a change and placed their trust on the MSM/ML/PMSD alliance in expectation of a better destiny. The crude reality is that everything has turned tupsy turvy. Absolute power and authority are in the hands of few individuals. Democracy seems to be cruelly hijacked. The state of affairs is getting worse every day. Corruption, favoritism and nepotism have become the order of the day. Proliferation of drugs is unprecedented.

We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of our independence, with utter enthusiasm and pride. 50 years already since the historical day when the colonial chain was unleashed. The famous patriotic song “donn to lame pran mo lame, lame dans lame. Anou batir nation morisien” unified all races, ethnic and religious groups as one entity under the “nation arc-en-ciel”. A flame of freedom and a true spirit of patriotism blazed in our heart in their entire splendor. Intellectual and cultural movements with the renaissance of values emerged as an undeniable hope for better future free from the fetters of colonial oligarchy.

Even with comprehensible ups and downs we have always kept our morale in control because we sincerely believed in the honest devotion of our political rulers in promoting and maintaining our democratic rights.  

Our ancestors left no stone unturned in their fight against undignified subservience to obtain independence. Unfortunately the democratic principles that have guided our struggle do not seem to be functioning as they should. The reality is quite different on the ground.

Slogans like “government of the people, by the people and for the people” and “la voix du peuple c’est la voix de Dieu » have become a mockery. Legitimate voices against the abuse of power, injustice and corruption are brutally reprimanded and heartlessly smashed. Issues like the Metro-Express, Pomponette beach, water shortage, law and order, security, unemployment and so many others, are matters that can hardly keep a concerned population at rest.

How often do we hear people whining: “Nou, nou finn cass cot pou fer zott arriv la haut et zott assiz lor nou latet pou cass nou cot?”

The Labour Party “congress” at Mohit Hall, Saint-Pierre and the one at Fond du Sac signal the mood “sur le terrain”. The waves are intensifying. In no time they may be transformed into a devastating tsunami. The ruling party has every reason to pay heed.



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